Diagnostic tests


It is a basic examination for the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. It is important to perform this examination in women under 35 years of age with mainly dense breasts. Ultrasound can be done with 3D/4D color doppler imaging of a mass in three dimensions, (and/or) with elastography measuring the hardness of a mass. ABUS ultrasound is the most modern ultrasound method and detects cancer mainly in dense breasts, offering automatic volumetric imaging.


The latest generation digital mammography ensures the best image, with a minimum dose of radiation. Digital mammography with tomosynthesis is a three-dimensional 3D imaging technology that more accurately characterizes benign and malignant findings. It gives better detection of architectural disturbances, shadows and masses compared to 2D mammography. Women of childbearing age can take the test between the 7th and 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

Digital iodinated contrast-enhanced mammography (CESM) is like a regular mammogram but contrast is used first. This method is indicated for dense breasts, breasts after surgery, or for the investigation of multicentric cancer. The patient does not need to be in a specific phase of her cycle.


Magnetic resonance imaging is a complementary diagnostic test. It is performed in 1.5 Tesla and 3 Tesla magnetic tomographs with the administration of a paramagnetic substance. It has a high sensitivity ranging from 89 to 100%. The instructions for its use are in the following cases:

  • Preoperative staging (extent of the disease, investigation of other foci not imaged in the same or the other breast, multifocal or multicentric cancer).
  • Cancer recurrence investigation
  • Metastatic disease (eg in the axillary lymph nodes)
  • Postoperative monitoring of the breast
  • For suspicious findings
  • High-risk patients (with individual history of breast or ovarian cancer, carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer, atypical ductal hyperplasia, lobular neoplasia, history of exposure to radiation in the chest area between ages 10 and 30)
  • Monitoring of the status of implants after plastic surgery
  • Monitoring the chemotherapy response of the tumor during induction chemotherapy (before surgery).

In women of reproductive age, it should be planned between the 7th and 14th day of the menstrual cycle.


This is an examination that is carried out in the nuclear medicine department. Glucose is injected with a small amount of radiopharmaceutical. This examination is necessary in the following cases

  • Investigation of metastases in lymph nodes
  • Investigation of metastases in other parts of the body
  • Evaluation of treatments in case of metastatic disease